My First Project
The goal of this assignment is to learn how to use the Dized Content Creation Tools.
The first project is always a learning experience and it’s worthwhile starting with a simple project. Creating this project while learning the Dized tools should take about 10-20 hours, depending on your existing skills and experience with content creation.
Create Dized Rules and Dized Tutorial for the game Escape from Babylon. Below is all the information to get started!

Rules is an important part of a Dized Tutorial. It’s recommended to create the Rules first as this requires the content creator to analyze the rules and understand them well. This creates a better starting point for creating the tutorial.
- Create full game rules with the Dized Rules Tool.
- Rules should be created to be bite-size chunks.
- Categorize the rules well.
- Make sure to tag related rules when applicable.
- Include an FAQ and have at least one question per rule.
- Use at least one image per rule. (You might want to make these images in the tutorial tool and then take screenshots to use them in the Rules).
- Add an icon for each rule and category.
- Design a smart flow for the tutorial that teaches the game gradually. Try to get the play started before all the rules have been covered, and have players learn the game while they play.
- Use logic blocks to guide your flow.
- Use buttons in content steps to guide your flow.
- Structure the content to an intro, setup, play phase and an ending.
- Organize the steps and the flow well, so that it’s easy for someone else to read and understand.
- Name and organize files and objects appropriately.
- Use multiple different styles and camera angles in animations.
- Use both Loop and Loop After features in animations.
- Make animations using different object manipulations: movement, rotation and resizing. NOTE: You don’t need to animate every single step of the tutorial, just enough to get a robust understanding on how to do a variety of different animations.
- Use both Autoplay True and Autoplay False. (Typically Autoplay is False when players are required to perform an action in the game.)
- Add voiceovers, and make sure they match the subtitle. Easiest way is to use TTS (Text-to-Speech)
- Add music. (Find it from Alibi)
- Playtest, and tweak the content based on the feedback. (Remember: “customer is always right”)
- Make sure the tutorial looks and sounds great!
The materials for this project been formatted in a typical way of how a publisher might deliver assets to you. Note that the materials are not in a ready-to-go state, so you cannot just simply upload the assets as is. As a content creator you’ll need to be able to work with the materials delivered to you by the publisher. Remember, it’s sometimes possible a publisher has additional materials available on request.
The material package also includes a print-and-play version of the game, which allows you to easily make your own version of the game for playtesting the tutorial.
This project is familiar for the people in the Dized Content Creation Community on Discord. Join the community server and feel free to ask for support on the #my-first-project channel! Who knows, maybe later on you’ll be able to help aspiring content creators on their first project too!
- Study this guide and make sure to read the supplementary information too, such as Best Practices and Quality Standards before starting.
- Get creative! There typically isn’t just one way to do things correctly. Focus on giving players the best possible gaming experience.
- Look for ideas and inspiration by trying out other Rules and Tutorials available on Dized.
- Consult with the community on Discord if you have any questions!
When you’re finished with the project, review the Content Approval Checklist first! If every single box is ticked for all aspects of the project, then contact Dized on Discord to set up a time to go through the project. We will perform a Dized Review and give you feedback!
Good luck, and have fun creating your first Dized content!